Get in touch

Are You Ready to

Find Your

Healthiest Self?

Hi, I'm Jenny

I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach on a mission to help individuals embrace a more healthy and vibrant life.

I am a proud mama to two beautiful daughters and luckily married to a compassionate nurse who shares my passion for health and wellness.

Adventuring and exploring in nature is one of my favorite passages of time and I am so grateful to live in the beautiful Western North Carolina mountains.

I am a true lover of life. Everyday, I strive to make the best out of my journey here on the earth. I want to make each day count, not just for me, but my clients as well.

What is a Health Coach?

I believe that true wellness encompasses all aspects of your life – mind, body, and spirit. As a health coach, I take a holistic approach, focusing not only on nutrition but also on other essential areas like movement, stress management, and self-care.

Your journey is unique, and I am here to meet you exactly where you are. I work closely to understand your goals, challenges, and preferences, and tailor a personalized plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

With compassion and a nurturing nature, my positive energy and encouraging spirit make me your biggest cheerleader, motivating and empowering you every step of the way.

Free Consultation


One-on-One Coaching (click on link below to see more info)

Coaching Packages   

I am currently meeting clients though Zoom, Phone, or in person based on your preferences and scheduling needs. I am happy to take our sessions outside as we walk and talk!

Ready to Begin your Journey?

Embark on a transformative journey to cultivate daily practices, rituals, and healthy habits that will enhance your well-being. Start your coaching program today! Whether you prefer over the phone, zoom sessions, or in-person meetings, I am excited to support you on your path to optimal health.

To get started or learn more about my coaching services, please reach out via email or phone, and let's take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Disclaimer: As a health coach, I am not a medical professional. My services are not intended to replace medical advice. It is always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your lifestyle or implementing new practices.

Free Consultation

Single Session

*One 50-minute session

*Coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes you want

*Healthy recipes that are easy to prepare


3 Month Package

*  3 months program

*  Two 50-minute 1:1 sessions per month

*  Email/text support between sessions

*  Healthy recipes that are easy to      prepare

*  Coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes

*  My personal commitment to your health and success

$120 Month*

$365 for three months

$345 Pay in full

6 Month Package

* 6 months program

* Two 50-minute 1:1 sessions per month

*  Email/text support between sessions

*  Healthy recipes that are easy to prepare

*  Coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes

*  My personal commitment to your health and success

$120 Month*

$720 for six months

Pay in full $695

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